
Top Page Corporate Profile Certifications

Obtained certifications


【Quality Policy】
Continue to provide customaers products and services repeatedly by securing their satisfaction and confidence with outstanding quality.
【Activity Items】
  • 1. We keep close communication with customers to understand their needs, thereby satisfy them.
  • 2. We produce high-quality, trusted products through process monitoring and design reviews for preventing defects and ensuring built-in quality in every process.
  • 3. If we find quality problems, we make immediate efforts to eliminate or correct them.
  • 4. We continue to take on challenges to create new added value, focusing on quality, environment and safety, through steady improvement and inventive efforts.
  • 5. We continuously improve quality by evaluating the achievement level and effectiveness of quality objectives each fiscal year, and keeping a good balance between the quality management system and the management system for environment/occupational safety and health.
  • 6. We repeatedly provide our employees with training to ensure that they fully understand the importance of gaining customer satisfaction and repeated orders.
  • 7. We officially announce our quality policy and activity items.


【Environmental Management Policy】
Contribute to creating beautiful green Earth by providing products and services that contribute to environmental conservation with outstanding technology and environmentally friendly.
【Activity Items】
  • 1. With the concerted efforts of all employees, we promote measures to save energy and resources and reduce waste, considering the impact that our product development and our production/service activities would have on the environment.
  • 2. We proactively develop products that are beneficial to the environment and satisfactory to our customers to promote the continuous provision of eco-friendly products.
  • 3. We continuously make improvement by evaluating the achievement level and effectiveness of environmental objectives each fiscal year, and keeping a good balance between the environment management system and the management system for quality and occupational safety and health.
  • 4. We promote communication with the local community and carry out environmental activities beneficial to the community and society.
  • 5. We comply with the legal requirements relating to our business activities and other requirements with which we spontaneously agree to comply, and establish our own standards as required to promote environmental preservation.
  • 6. We provide our employees with training to raise their awareness of environmental conservation and ensure that they act responsibly. We also improve the control mechanism for the environmental performance data.
  • 7. We officially announce our environmental policy and activity items.


【Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy】
Employees, to concentrate their strength on promoting comfortable workplaces and safe works, keep providing user-friendly and safety-oriented products and services.
【Activity Items】
  • 1. Based on the perception that ensuring safety and health is the basis of corporate activities, we porvide safe and healthful working conditions and promote safety and health activities with the participation of all employees to achieve a comfortable and disaster-free workplaces.
  • 2. We make efforts to develop safety-conscious products by performing a product risk assessments to provide products and services that help customers work safely.
  • 3. We remove hazard sources in our business activities and promote reducing occupational safety and health risks in the working environment by performing work risk assessment to continuously improve the working environment.
  • 4. We make efforts to eliminate human errors by using Kiken-Yochi Training, KYT, hazard prediction training, and the pointing and calling procedure. Furthermore, we repeatedly provide our employees with safety training to raise their safety awareness.
  • 5. We promote health management and mental health care activities to enhance mental and physical health.
  • 6. We continuously make improvement by evaluating the achievement level and effectiveness of occupational safety and health objectives each fiscal year, and keeping a good balance between the occupational safety and health management system and the management system for quality and environment.
  • 7. We comply with the legal requirements relating to our business activities and other requirements with which we spontaneously agree to comply, and make efforts to enhance occupational safety and health.
  • 8. We officially announce our occupational safety and health policy and activity items.

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